compiled by Richard Packham

This list was first compiled in 2001, and the prices listed are as of that time. Current prices (both new and used) can be obtained by clicking on the ISBN number (off-site). Meanwhile a number of additional books on Mormonism have been published. They are listed at the end of the page. Make substitutions as you wish.

[p = paperback price, h = hard binding (may also be available in p); prices in US$]

Banister, Sharon, For Any Latter-day Saint: One Investigator's Unanswered Questions, 1988, Star Bible Publications, Fort Worth TX 76118 [out of print as of May 2007] Click here for used copies: ISBN 0-940999-30-7 p 8.00

Brodie, Fawn M., No Man Knows My History: The Life of Joseph Smith, 2nd ed., 1971 Knopf ISBN 0-394-46967-4 h35.00

Buerger, David John, The Mysteries of Godliness: A History of Mormon Temple Worship, Signature, ISBN 1-56085-042-6 h 24.95

Laake, Deborah, Secret Ceremonies: A Mormon Woman's Intimate Diary of Marriage and Beyond, 1993 Morrow ISBN 0-440-21780-6 p 6.50

Larson, Charles M., By His Own Hand Upon Papyrus: A New Look at the Joseph Smith Papyri, rev ed 1992, Institute for Religious Research, 1340 Monroe Ave., N.W., Grand Rapids, MI 49505-4604, ISBN 0-960963-2-6 p 12.00

Larson, Stan, Quest For the Gold Plates, Signature, ISBN 0-963473263 p 13.00

Lindsey, Robert, A Gathering of Saints: A True Story of Money, Murder and Deceit, 1988 Simon & Schuster ISBN 0-671-65112-9 h 18.95

Marquardt, H. Michael and Wesley P. Walters, Inventing Mormonism: Tradition and the Historical Record, Prometheus ISBN 1-56085-039-6 h 28.95

Metcalfe, Brent Lee, ed., New Approaches to the Book of Mormon, Signature ISBN 1-56085-017-5 h 26.95

Newell, Linda K. & Valeen Avery, Mormon Enigma: Emma Hale Smith, 1984 Doubleday ISBN 0-385-17166-8 h 19.95

Persuitte, David, Joseph Smith and the Origins of the Book of Mormon, 2nd ed., McFarland, ISBN 0-7864-0826-X p 29.95

Quinn, D. Michael, Early Mormonism and the Magic World View, 2nd ed, Signature ISBN 1-56085-089-2 p 19.95

Quinn, D. Michael, Mormon Hierarchy: Origins of Power, Signature, ISBN 1-56085-056-6 h 29.95

Roberts, Brigham H., Studies of the Book of Mormon, Brigham D. Madsen, ed., Signature ISBN 1-56085-027-2 p 14.95

Tanner, Jerald and Sandra, Major Problems of Mormonism, Utah Lighthouse, P.O. Box 1884, Salt Lake City, UT 84110, ISBN 9-993869341 p 7.00

Tanner, Jerald and Sandra, Mormonism: Shadow or Reality?, 5th ed., Utah Lighthouse, P.O. Box 1884, Salt Lake City, UT 84110 ISBN 9993074438 p 18.00

Van Wagoner, Richard S., Mormon Polygamy: A History, Signature, ISBN 0-94121-479-6 p 14.95

Banister 8.00
Tanner (MP) 7.00
Larson, C 12.00
Newell 19.95
Laake 6.50
Subtotal: 53.45
Brodie 35.00
Quinn (EM) 19.95
Subtotal: 108.40
Marquardt 28.95
Metcalfe 26.95
Subtotal: 165.30
Persuitte 29.95
Tanner (M:SR) 14.00
Subtotal: 209.25

(Last updated September 23, 2007)
Anderson, Duwayne R., Farewell to Eden: Coming to Terms with Mormonism and Science, 1stBooks 2003, ISBN 1-4107-5384-0
Bagley, Will, Blood of the Prophets: Brigham Young and the Massacre at Mountain Meadows, University of Oklahoma Press, 2004, ISBN 080613639124.95
Beck, Martha [Nibley], Leaving the Saints: How I Lost the Mormons and Found My Faith, Three Rivers Press, 2006, ISBN 0307335992p 14.95
Bliss, Ed, Mormonism Pro and Con: The "Milk" and "Meat", Booksurge, 2006 ISBN 1-4196-2633-7
p 13.99
Burningham, Kay, An American Fraud: One Lawyer's Case Against Mormonism, Amica Veritatis, 2011, ISBN 978-0615465890 p 29.95
Kindle 9.95
Cowdrey, Wayne L. et al., Who Really Wrote the Book of Mormon?: The Spalding Enigma, Concordia, St. Louis, 2005, ISBN 0-7586-0527-7p 16.99
Evans, Arza, The Keystone of Mormonism, Keystone Books, St. George, 2003, ISBN 0-9728813-0-1h 18.95
Krakauer, Jon, Under the Banner of Heaven: A Story of Violent Faith (revised ed), Anchor 2004, ISBN 1400032806p 14.95
Ostling, Richard and Joan, Mormon America: The Power and the Promise, Harper, San Francisco, 2000 ISBN 0-06-066372-3p 17.00
Palmer, Grant H., An Insider's View of Mormon Origins, Signature, Salt Lake City, 2002 ISBN 1-56085-157-0p 24.95
Southerton, Simon G., Losing a Lost Tribe: Native Americans, DNA, and the Mormon Church, Signature, Salt Lake City, 2004, ISBN 1-56085-181-3p 24.95
Vogel, Dan, and Metcalfe, Brent Lee, eds. American Apocrypha: Essays on the Book of Mormon, Signature, Salt Lake City, 2002 ISBN 1-56085-141-1p 21.95
Vogel, Dan, Joseph Smith: The Making of a Prophet, Signature, Salt Lake City, 2004, ISBN 1-56085-179-1p 39.95

Books I DO NOT Recommend!
I do not recommend the following books on Mormonism because they are poorly researched, poorly written, and a waste of your money.
Decker, Ed, and Caryl Matrisciana, The God Makers II, Harvest House, 1993
Holding, James Patrick (pseudonym for Robert Turkel), The Mormon Defenders, Proaster Books, 2001
Paulson, Matthew A., Breaking the Mormon Code: A Critique of Mormon Scholarship Regarding Classical Christian Theology and the Book of Mormon, WingSpan Press, Livermore, 2006
Wood, Charles L., The Mormon Conspiracy, Black Forest Press, Chula Vista, 2001
Wishnatsky, Martin, Mormonism: A Latter Day Deception, Xulon Press, 2003

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©  2001, 2005, 2007 Richard Packham    Permission granted to reproduce for non-commercial purposes, provided text is not changed and this copyright notice is included


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